ALYN Hike 2021

 This is a belated, huge thank you to everyone who supported us on the hike last year.

ALYN just asked me for access to our photos, so I put together some to share with everyone.

4 hours drive to the southern end of the country.

Pack sandwiches and water for the day and head out.

The guides led us along many colors of trails.

We walked for hours each day.

It was so scenic we could have walked more.

There were 2 groups of about 20 hikers.

The logistics team met us at night for camp.

Everyone helps each other find the next step up.

And up

Here's Shira, and our amazing medic bringing up the rear.
Shira and me on a summit, note the different colored hills

Breakfast on top with the Gulf of Eilat in the background.

Heading down

Up again

Some amazing canyons...

At one point the medic's bag barely squeezed through!

Some cool rock formations

The tree of the desert - the acacia.

It was an amazing hike - but what made it most worthwhile was who we're hiking for - the kids who climb their own mountains every day: 


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